National Report on Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States (2021) March 1, 2022 This report presents national trends in early-stage entrepreneurship for the years 1996-2021 in the United States, as well as trends for specific demographic groups when possible.
Early-Stage Entrepreneurship: Key Indicators, Summary Index, and Methodology January 31, 2022 This paper lays out the approach used to create a series of four standalone indicators on early-stage entrepreneurship as well as a comprehensive summary index. These measures form the Kauffman Indicators of Early-Stage Entrepreneurship.
Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs: Removing Barriers (2021) October 15, 2021 The need for access to opportunity, funding, knowledge, and support is greater than ever before to ensure that historically underserved entrepreneurs are able to access the capital required to survive and thrive.
Incentives for Entrepreneurial Firms August 2, 2021 The purpose of this report is to provide practitioners and policymakers with insights regarding the use of business incentives and guidance for offering incentives to entrepreneurial firms.
Big Data Directions in Entrepreneurship Research: Researcher Viewpoints May 28, 2021 Researchers Rahul C. Basole, Travis Howe, Yushim Kim, Scott LaCombe, Karen Mossberger, and Caroline Tolbert explore the evolving nature of big data and its relevance to entrepreneurship research.
Entrepreneurship in Economic Crises: A Look at Four Recession Periods between 1978 and 2018 in the United States April 30, 2021 This paper highlights important patterns between employer startups (less than 1 year old) and employer firms 1 year or older, as well as between younger employer firms (0-5 years) and older employer firms (6 years and older) between 1978 and 2018.
Who is the Entrepreneur? The Changing Diversity of New Entrepreneurs in the United States, 1996–2020 April 13, 2021 Is entrepreneurship becoming more diverse in the United States? This brief details trends in the share of new entrepreneurs by sex, race and ethnicity, age, and nativity in the U.S. between 1996 and 2020.
New Employer Business Indicators in the United States: National and State Trends (2020) April 1, 2021 The Kauffman New Employer Business Indicators series provides users with measures to track trends surrounding the emergence of new employer businesses, their representation in the population and among all firms, and the time it takes these businesses to become employers. Explore the national and state trends from 2020.
New Employer Business Trends: A Methodological Note April 1, 2021 The New Employer Business Indicators have been compiled in an effort to provide information on new employer businesses, a subset of all entrepreneurial activity. The series provides users with measures to estimate and track trends in the emergence of these businesses, their representation in the population and among all firms, and the time it takes these businesses to make a first payroll.
State Report on Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States (2020) March 1, 2021 This report presents state trends in early-stage entrepreneurship in all 50 states and the District of Columbia from 1996-2020.