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The Kauffman Foundation seeks to build inclusive prosperity through a prepared workforce and entrepreneur-focused economic development.

Let’s rebuild better, together.

Rebuilding better

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Leading Ideas

Wendy Guillies

From the CEO: Let’s commit to fulfilling the promise of our nation, together

Kauffman President & CEO Wendy Guillies writes that to create equitable, comprehensive, and sustainable change, we must first listen, develop shared knowledge, and bring people together.

March 2, 2021
From the CEO: Let’s commit to fulfilling the promise of our nation, together

We have big issues that have divided us, [and] there’s a long way to go. But… the grounded, collaborative people with the ‘middle’ mindset will push us beyond our current view.

— Wendy Guillies
President & CEO, Kauffman Foundation

Student debt aversion, new non-degree pathways, and a changing value proposition between higher education and employment are illuminating a multitude of pathways to career and life goals for students of all ages.

— Aaron North
Vice President, Education, Kauffman Foundation


A vision for the future of student success is urgent

Our education system must prepare students for learning, work, and life after high school in a rapidly changing world, which means the time to provide real-world learning opportunities – for all students – is now.

June 13, 2019
A vision for the future of student success is urgent

For the economy to restart, everyone must have the opportunity to participate

We need new, alternative funding models that are inclusive and equitable – we must rebuild better and Capital Access Lab is a start.

July 22, 2020
For the economy to restart, everyone must have the opportunity to participate

The harsh reality is people of color, women, and even rural entrepreneurs access capital to start businesses at a starkly lower rate than their white male counterparts.

How can we rebuild better?

— Philip Gaskin
Vice President, Entrepreneurship, Kauffman Foundation

Sparking the Entrepreneurial Spirit

In partnership with Freethink – a creative media company focused on informing, challenging, and inspiring the next generation of leaders – we produced “Sparking the Entrepreneurial Spirit” to bring to life the economic opportunities created through real-world and entrepreneurial experiences for young people.

WATCH: “Could Gen Z close the racial wealth gap through entrepreneurship?” | 5:14
Kauffman Conversations: Reshaping an Equitable Future of Work

Reshaping the future of work for a post-pandemic world

Experts in education, business, and entrepreneurship discuss how the global pandemic has magnified the need for more inclusive education systems and employment practices as systems adapt to rapidly changing workforce requirements.

April 19, 2021
Reshaping the future of work for a post-pandemic world
A Zoom room of folks discussing inclusive ecosystems

Pandemic economy brings new urgency to building equal access to entrepreneurship

Kauffman Vice President of Entrepreneurship Philip Gaskin and Kauffman Director of Engagement – Entrepreneurship Kim Wallace Carlson are joined by experts Tawanna Black and Brad Feld to discuss how to help more women, people of color, and those in rural areas start and grow businesses to rebuild a vibrant economy.

November 16, 2020
Pandemic economy brings new urgency to building equal access to entrepreneurship

The dominant view has been that workers have to adapt to the way the corporation set the culture; it’s also about those institutions changing and transforming the culture and creating a culture that works for everybody, that respects everybody, that takes care of everybody.

— Dr. Juliet Schor
Professor of Sociology, Boston College



2020 Uncommon Voices

At the end of 2020, we asked some of the fascinating people we’ve had the privilege to work with recently to share their thoughts around systems change, new “normals,” how 2020 has impacted them, and what it will take to keep our communities moving forward, together.

December 15, 2020
2020 Uncommon Voices


The doors will not be closed on Black entrepreneurs

While the share of new Black entrepreneurs has steadily increased, the pandemic has dealt Black business owners, specifically, a blow that only magnifies the inequities built into the American economy. Black business owners in Kansas City, like entrepreneurs across the country, are managing the reality of now – and the history that got us here.

November 17, 2020
The doors will not be closed on Black entrepreneurs


After generations of disinvestment, rural America might be the most innovative place in the U.S.

Rural leaders, governments, and philanthropic funders who aren’t afraid to break with long-standing assumptions about the inevitability of rural decline can leverage the potential, talent, and innovative spirit of rural America to build the new Heartland.

December 14, 2020
After generations of disinvestment, rural America might be the most innovative place in the U.S.


Economic Engagement of Mothers: Entrepreneurship, Employment, and the Motherhood Wage Penalty


Economic Engagement of Mothers: Entrepreneurship, Employment, and the Motherhood Wage Penalty

What does entrepreneurship support mean for entrepreneurs who are mothers? And how can we support mothers’ access to opportunities to engage in the economy – and ease their access to opportunity through entrepreneurship?

This report takes up the relationship among motherhood, caregiving, and the persistent wage penalty it carries for women, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Who is the Entrepreneur? 2020 Update report cover


Who is the Entrepreneur? The Changing Diversity of New Entrepreneurs in the United States, 1996-2020

Is entrepreneurship becoming more diverse in the United States? This brief details trends in the share of new entrepreneurs by sex, race and ethnicity, age, and nativity in the U.S. between 1996 and 2020.

Strengthening Knowledge Creation and Research in Entrepreneurship: Inclusion Matters


Strengthening Knowledge Creation and Research in Entrepreneurship: Inclusion Matters

How is diversity and inclusion relevant to knowledge creation and research? Various studies indicate that researchers’ positionality – the various identities they hold – has a substantial impact on not only research topics, but also the theories and methods that scholars develop and use.

Entrepreneurship in Economic Crises working paper report cover


Entrepreneurship in Economic Crises: A Look at Four Recession Periods between 1978 and 2018 in the United States

This paper highlights important patterns between employer startups (less than 1 year old) and employer firms 1 year or older, as well as between younger employer firms (0-5 years) and older employer firms (6 years and older) between 1978 and 2018.

Resources for Action


Real World Learning

Every student deserves to discover and pursue their real-world potential. By gaining immersive experiences across a multitude of interests and industries, learners gain the skills to navigate their future.

Real World Learning

Capital Access Lab

The Capital Access Lab is a national pilot initiative that aims to find, promote, and scale innovative investment managers, providing new kinds of capital to underserved entrepreneurs and communities in the United States.

Capital Access Lab

Start Us Up Now: America’s New Business Plan

America’s New Business Plan outlines a bipartisan plan for policymakers that is focused on creating new jobs and rebuilding a more equitable economy.
Start Us Up Now: America’s New Business Plan

Kauffman Indicators of Entrepreneurship

The Kauffman Indicators series offer in-depth measures, reports, and accompanying interactive data visualizations that present entrepreneurial trends in the United States.
Kauffman Indicators of Entrepreneurship