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Jenny Poon with her daughter, Ayda Domingo

As 2020 comes to a close, we asked some of the fascinating people we’ve had the privilege to work with recently to share their thoughts around systems change, new “normals,” how the events 2020 have impacted them, and what it will take to keep our communities moving forward, together. Jenny Poon, Founder/CEO, CO+HOOTS/HUUB The daughter of immigrants, […]

Ecosystems in Action: Practices from the Field

ECOSYSTEMS IN ACTION: PRACTICES FROM THE FIELD Key Practice This brief outlines an example of how one organization leveraged state policy to address the perennial problem of access to capital for entrepreneurs. By financing a revolving loan fund, the program became a robust platform for entrepreneurial ecosystem development. This story explores three practices that when […]

A photo collage of a student raising a hand in a classroom and the American flag on top of a bridge.

As the nation suffers through more tragedies of racial injustice, we must focus on both short-term and long-term solutions; true equity and inclusion will only come from systems we rebuild better.


Together, we will continue with renewed energy to work with our communities to fundamentally change the outcomes of people’s lives – by addressing underlying causes, not just treating symptoms, while striving each day to be our better selves.