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Mayors Roundtable, hosted by Betsy Hodges

Betsy Hodges, former Mayor of Minneapolis and expert in local anti-racism policies, with mayors and experts explored policies that explicitly address racial justice in systemic ways. The conversation ranged from specific policies to understanding how systems can affect people in unseen and insidious ways. Join us for a deeper understanding of how local policy, systems, and racial bias prevent economic inclusion and how some leaders are talking the problem head on.

Video still from Kauffman Conversations: Reshaping an Equitable Future of Work

Experts in education, business, and entrepreneurship discuss how the global pandemic has magnified the need for more inclusive education systems and employment practices as systems adapt to rapidly changing workforce requirements.

Ecosystems in Action: Practices from the Field

ECOSISTEMAS EN ACCIÓN: PRÁCTICAS DESDE EL TERRENO El siguiente artículo ha sido traducido de la versión original en inglés. Por favor tenga en cuenta que la mayoría de los links y recursos proporcionados en el artículo son en inglés al menos que sean etiquetados ‘en español’ en la sección de Recursos. Relacionadas Desplácese a continuación I. […]