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Economist Rob Fairlie says the most recent update of the Kauffman Indicators of Entrepreneurship’s Early-Stage Entrepreneurship data illustrates a highly resilient entrepreneurial community in the face of COVID-19 as well as extended growth in self-starters among emerging majorities, specifically among Latino founders.

Historically, research on entrepreneurship and innovation has rarely been conducted using community-engaged methodologies – even in work that seeks to address barriers to entrepreneurship in systemically marginalized communities. We believe that including the voices of entrepreneurs in the research process may produce more nuanced and robust findings that, ultimately, can serve as the basis for programs and policies that could truly change the landscape of entrepreneurship in the United States.

Too many communities concentrate on attracting businesses from afar instead of growing them at home. In a thriving ecosystem, entrepreneurship empowers individuals, improves standards of living, and creates jobs, wealth, and innovation in the economy. But the success of an entrepreneurial ecosystem can’t be bought; it has to be built. In the 2019 State of […]

Video still from the 2022 October Issue Forum "Findings from the NORC Entrepreneurship in the Population Survey"

Are you interested in the landscape of entrepreneurship in your local community? Watch this Data Dive into a new survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago and funded by the Kauffman Foundation. NORC scholars discuss their first-year findings as part of a 5-year, cross-sectional, nationally representative survey designed to capture an accurate measure of entrepreneurship status among the U.S population.