Wooing Companies to Move: Are Business Incentives Worth the Cost? February 8, 2021 Economic development incentives aimed at attracting companies to a region have been a defining feature of many regional economic growth strategies. Are they worth it?
Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States: National and State Report (2019) June 1, 2020 This report presents national and state level trends in early-stage entrepreneurship for the years 1996-2019 in the United States, as well as trends for specific demographic groups when possible.
Glossary and Resources Many definitions for the work of ecosystem building are still evolving, and their meanings are sometimes imprecise. The working definitions for some key terms used in this playbook are presented below. Economic Development: The work to “create the conditions for economic growth and improved quality of life by expanding the capacity of individuals, firms, and […]
Women talk truth about their crucial role in the American economy and the inequitable expectation to ‘carry it all’ July 12, 2021 In a series of three conversations, women entrepreneurs and women who work in entrepreneur support, come together to discuss the significant impact of women on the economy; what personal and policy support could do for women and families struggling to combine career and caregiving; and, how all of it manifests in their own lives.
This Black Friday, commit your commerce, not just your support, to Black businesses November 23, 2021 This year, there’s a call to claim Black Friday to intentionally focus the day’s holiday shopping to support Black-owned businesses – but for those in the work of equitable entrepreneurship, there’s hope that this moment will be a catalyst for a long-lasting movement to create an economy that works for all of us.
To launch the next generation of entrepreneurs, innovators in finance need to step up June 30, 2021 A journalist and venture capitalist found plenty of inspiration while writing their book on Black, brown, and women entrepreneurs, but also systems that need changing if these new founders are to succeed.
Economic Engagement of Mothers: Entrepreneurship, Employment, and the Motherhood Wage Penalty January 14, 2021 This report takes up the relationship among motherhood, caregiving, the persistent wage penalty it carries for women, employment, and entrepreneurship.
Who Doesn’t Start a Business in America? A Look at Pre-Entrepreneurship Leavers December 3, 2020 To understand barriers in entrepreneurship, it is useful to gain insight into who wants to, but does not, start a business – and why.
Building a Cross-Sector Regional Coalition to Strengthen Ecosystem Collaboration ECOSYSTEMS IN ACTION: PRACTICES FROM THE FIELD Key Practice This brief outlines an example of the practice of building a cross-sector regional coalition to strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystem collaboration. Coalition building is defined as bringing together “a group of individuals and/or organizations with a common interest who agree to work together toward a common goal,” and […]
Previous Knowledge Challenge Grantees After listening to researchers, entrepreneurs, and those who support entrepreneurs, the Kauffman Foundation updated its approach to the way it seeks information from research and created the Kauffman Knowledge Challenge in 2018.